Thursday 12 May 2011

War, a device that is possible to extinguish humanity

After watching a show on the national geographic regarding the dropping of nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, it left a deep impression on me. I saw the gruesome clips of the people who suffered from the attack, and I knew many would not make it. That is why I decided to post on this topic.

There are two types of war. It can be classified as civil wars or wars between two or more countries. Today I would be talking about wars between countries.

How do external wars start?

Wars can start when the absolute leader of a country gets greedy and desires land or resources from other countries that are not willing to give. With no other alternatives, they therefore take it by force, starting a war. For example, Japan started a war by invading China as they felt that the Japanese deserved more land.

Besides this, wars can also start when the absolute leader of a country wants to prove his might and power. To show that oneself is powerful, the only way is winning a war and taking over another country. This happened very often in the ancient world, such as ancient China or Rome. The most recent one was started in Germany where Hitler wanted to prove his power and strength of his army.

The sad truth of war

During a war, thousands of soldier die after a clash between two countries. Bombs are also dropped on cities, sometimes leaving them as ghost towns.

As a country finally surrenders, the leader of the other country would want to take revenge on the citizens of the defeated country for making their country lose so many soldiers. This results to a massacre of the population in the defeated country, leading to more deaths.

However, the victorious country will not be able to hold on to the defeated country for long as other countries are afraid that they would have a similar fate and join forces and push back the victorious country.

In the end, nothing is achieved. Only more blood, tears and hardships would be made for the people. Moreover, even when war is over, prisoners of war who lived in the concentration camps are extremely weak, some would also die to the illness they contracted in the prisons. Besides that, victims of the war would also have emotional scars. Some might not be able to get over it and would choose to suicide.

This has already been shown by facts and figures in World War 1 and 2, such as genocide.

My stand on this issue

Why do we, as humans create these atrocities? How does one benefit from wars? To me, I do not see a purpose in war. What we are doing is extinguishing ourselves from the very face of the Earth. Wars are a waste of resources, together with a tragic loss of lives. Technology can also no longer be improved as quickly due to the involvement in war. In other words, wars simply retards the development of mankind.

Selfish reasons and lack of resources should are not justifiable for starting wars. Leaders should lead by example. Furthermore, "Men are all created to be equal", leaders of the countries should treat each other equally, and solve disputes amicably. In conclusion, I feel that there is simply no reason why any country should go into a war.

War poems -- A sign of love

As Dwight D. Eisenhower once said "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed." Most people hate war. They write poems to express their feelings, their views on war, or to empathise with or glorify the people who suffered during the war. They show the true heart of a human who loves and care.

Typically, war poetry tries to capture the sadness, bravery, and sacrifice of ordinary men for their country and the brutality, cruelness and greedy creators of utter carnage. Besides that, it also tries to describe the futility of the mindset that drives this need for man to kill man, and how useless war really is.

(View some samples on war poetry at:

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