Friday 12 February 2010


It was the first time I was doing a summary essay. I did not know what a summary essay was. My teacher told me that a summary essay was to summarise the story and answer the question given to me and he also assured us not to worry as he was going to go through it with us.

What is a story?
First, he explained to us that all narrative stories have a plot, characters, settings and themes. The plot also consist of an exposition text, complication, climax and resolution. In the complication, there is conflict and tension which can be between characters, within a character, or between a character and enviroment.

Skeleton of a essay
 He explained to me that in an essay, you have to have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. He said it in a form of a hamburger, where the introduction and conclusion was the bread while the body was the patty and if we did not include any one of them, the burger would be incomplete.

He also gave us a handout that in the introduction, we must first set the content, then use a graber to get the attention of the reader, followed by the thesis and the essay map. I did not understand what a thesis was so he told me that a thesis was the main point of the article.

The body is the meat of the patty, and it is very important that it is sufficiently elaborated as it can cause a major drop in your score. The body should have at the minimum 3 paragraphs. He said that we would have to PEE for each paragraph. (not literary) P stands for point, E stands for elaboration and the other E stands for example.

The conclusion, he siad was not as important as the other paragraphs. However, if you want to get your A, you would still have to do it anyway. He said that without a conclusion, the best he could give was a B. Anyway, in the conclusion, you would just have to make a restatement of the thesis. It eshould encourage further thought on the issue and it should not be identical to the thesis stated earlier.

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