Monday 24 January 2011

Comic strip assignment

Today I did a comic strip based on the theme "Do not judge a book by its cover", here is it:

Why did I choose the different pictures or background(s)?

In the first four panels, it shows a dull background, showing the unhappiness and distrust of Bala from Charles. In the fifth panel, Charles finally found out the truth, and finally understood that he was in the wrong. So, I chose a white background to show how stunned and shocked he was. For the final panel, I chose a calm and beautiful background to show how everything was resolved, and there were no longer any hard feelings between Bala and Charles.

How do they contribute to the elements (plot, setting, characterisation) of your narrative?

I feel that my background has contributed to the characterisation of my narrative. With these backgrounds, I am able to show the feelings of the characters. In panels 1 to 4, both characters are not too happy, in chapter 5 Charles gets a shock of his life and in panel 6, the characters have made up. This is reflected by the dull background of panel 1 to 4, the white background of chapter 5 and the bright background of panel 3.

How did I make use of the different elements to contribute to the theme you have chosen?

I did not really use very many elements, the main one is the character's expressions. I used a variety of expressions to show how the character felt. Also, I made some dialogues in caps because I wanted to tell the reader that that character was shouting too. Finally, in panel 3, I also used the books, papers and pens to show how messy Charles' place is, which can let the reader interpret that Charles' had been ransacking all over the place for his phone.

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